Sunday, 5 February 2023

159 appulavArE aMdarunu (అప్పులవారే అందరును)


159 అప్పులవారే అందరును

(appulavArE aMdarunu)

for Telegu (తెలుగు) Version press here

the tumultuous world

Synopsis:the world as it stands today is intensely violent, divided and apathetic. However, for the man, his internal strife is paramount”.   

Summary of this Poem:

Chorus: We all are debtors. Where is this doner who is circulating this debt? Implied Meaning: O man, recognise the chains of bondage you created.

Stanza 1: All over the world we see only troubles, complaints, and regrets. Who else but God can we hope for salvation and refuge in such hostilities of life?

Stanza 2: These pleasures we eye are genuinely thorny bags in every possible sense and in all periods of human existence. Believe it or not, there is only one hero who can fathom the depths of your heart (to find the end of your thinking). Implied Meaning: O man, beyond the pleasures which eventually prove to be thorny bags, find that great treasure residing in your heart.

Stanza 3: The bonds you have subconsciously planned will not go away. Instead, they keep getting stronger. To make you climb the heights and guide you to good deeds, Lord Vishnu in the form of Venkateshwara is there. 

Detailed Presentation. 

Introduction: Annamacharya’s poems are hard nuts to crack. This power packed poem challenges our abilities to differentiate truth from false. Practicality of his observations will continue to mesmerise. He is an enigma. 


రాగిరేకు:  13-5 సంపుటము: 1-81


Copper Leaf:  13-5 Volume: 1-81

అప్పులవారే అందరును
కప్పఁగఁ దిప్పఁగఁ గర్తలు వేరీ అప్పుల॥
ఎక్కడ చూచిన నీ ప్రపంచమునఁ
జిక్కులు సిలుగులుఁ జింతలునే
దిక్కెవ్వరు యీ తీదీపులలో
దిక్కుముక్కులకు దేవుఁడెఁకాక అప్పుల॥
యేది దలంచిన నేకాలంబును
సూదులమూఁటల సుఖములివి
కాదన నౌననఁ గడ గనిపించఁగ
పోదికాఁడు తలఁపునఁ గలఁ డొకఁడే అప్పుల॥
యెన్నఁడు వీడీ నెప్పుడు వాసీఁ
బన్నిన తమతమ బంధములు
వున్నతి సేయఁగ వొప్పులు నెరపఁగ
వెన్నుఁడు వేంకటవిభుఁడే కలఁడు అప్పుల॥
appulavArE aMdarunu
kappaga dippaga gartalu vErI appula
ekkaDa chUchina nI prapaMchamuna
jikkulu silugulu jiMtalunE
dikkevvaru yI tIdIpulalO
dikkumukkulaku dEvuDekAka appula
yEdi dalaMchina nEkAlaMbunu
sUdulamUTala sukhamulivi
kAdana naunana gaDa ganipiMchaga
pOdikADu talapuna gala DokaDE  appula
yennaDu vIDI neppuDu vAsI
bannina tamatama baMdhamulu
vunnati sEyaga voppulu nerapaga
vennuDu vEMkaTavibhuDE kalaDu appula


Details and Explanations: 

అప్పులవారే అందరును
కప్పఁగఁ దిప్పఁగఁ గర్తలు వేరీ అప్పుల॥

appulavArE aMdarunu
kappaga dippaga gartalu vErI appula 

Word to word meaning: అప్పులవారే (appulavArE) = debtors; అందరును (aMdarunu) = all of us; కప్పఁగఁ (kappaga) = to cover; దిప్పఁగఁ (dippaga) = to rotate; గర్తలు (gartalu) = the doers; వేరీ (vErI) = where?

Literal meaning: We all are debtors. Where is this doner who is circulating this debt?

Explanation: Though this is a very short poem, still filled with force of a dynamite.  Annamacharya is asking us to find the real one who turned us the debtors. If we can, we would have solved the mystery of life.

Famous Latin thinker & writer Publilius Syrus said “Debt is the slavery of the free”. Annamacharya saying here that we all are debtors, in a way implying that we are not free.

English writer and philosopher, Alan Wilson Watts said that “We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean “waves,” the universe “peoples.”

We’re not separate from this universe. We’re interwoven in the cosmos, a part of the energetic patterns of spacetime. We’re like waves in an ocean. Always changing, transforming, connected to more than merely ourselves. Thus, let us accept that we are from this world – from the debt-ridden people. So are we.

Therefore, the right action is to dissociate from “what connects us with this world”. Most perplexing thing is that when things are so clear, why man cannot come out of the debt? Let me explain this with the help of a surrealist painting titled the Key to Dreams by famous Belgian artist Rene Magritte. As a child, we were taught 'A', 'B', 'C' by taking a picture and showing the corresponding letter below it. But here, in this painting, René Magritte confuses us by making the name written below the pictures irrelevant.

The poetry of this image Key to Dreams dispenses with any symbolic significance, old or new.” Thus, Magritte is saying that we associate wrong things and wrong notions and get chained to this world. Another significant implied in this painting is that this conditioning starts from very young age, i.e even before we start learning alphabets.  Only when we dispense with metaphorical thinking and free of association, there exists a possibility for liberation. 

This is also the meaning of Bhagavad-Gita verse:  ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्म हविर्ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम् | ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना ||4-24|| brahmārpaṇaṁ brahma havir brahmāgnau brahmaṇā hutam / brahmaiva tena gantavyaṁ brahma-karma-samādhinā Purport: The act, the ladle, the offering, the fire, the doer, the offered are Brahman. It means that everything in this world is sacred. However, it’s our conditioning (ignorance) that says something as ‘sacred’ and some as ‘not’. Therefore, the implied meaning follow as below.

Therefore, we may conclude that Annamacharya is suggesting “man find if you are in debt. But your conditioning makes you think so”. This becomes clearer in 3rd stanza.

Implied Meaning: O man, recognise the chains of bondage you created. 

ఎక్కడ చూచిన నీ ప్రపంచమునఁ
జిక్కులు సిలుగులుఁ జింతలునే
దిక్కెవ్వరు యీ తీదీపులలో
దిక్కుముక్కులకు దేవుఁడెఁకాక అప్పుల॥

ekkaDa chUchina nI prapaMchamuna
jikkulu silugulu jiMtalunE
dikkevvaru yI tIdIpulalO
dikkumukkulaku dEvuDekAka appula

Word to word meaning: ఎక్కడ (ekkaDa) = anywhere; చూచిన (chUchina) = observe;  నీ ప్రపంచమునఁ (nI prapaMchamuna) = in our this world; జిక్కులు (jikkulu) = problems; సిలుగులుఁ (silugulu) = inconveniences; జింతలునే (jiMtalunE) = only grievances, only regrets; దిక్కెవ్వరు (dikkevvaru) = who we can look forward to save; యీ తీదీపులలో (yI tIdIpulalO) = in these acrimonies;    దిక్కుముక్కులకు (dikkumukkulaku) = saviour, provide refuge; దేవుఁడెఁకాక (dEvuDekAka) = except the God. 

Literal meaning: All over the world we see only troubles, complaints and regrets. To whom else but God can we hope for salvation and refuge in such hostilities of life?

Explanation: ekkaDa chUchina nI prapaMchamuna / jikkulu silugulu jiMtalunE (ఎక్కడ చూచిన నీ ప్రపంచమునఁ / జిక్కులు సిలుగులుఁ జింతలునే) Sir, read the headings of any newspaper. You will find the world is in tension to face tomorrow. So many hostile discussions in the highest forums. Obviously, truth is being twisted. Wars happening. Turmoil is the rule of the day.  Is there any doubt that Annamacharya is very accurate in his description? 

Let me present a painting titled Guernica by famous painter Pablo Picasso. It is one of his best-known works, regarded by many art critics as the most moving and powerful anti-war painting in history. 

The grey, black, and white painting, on a canvas 3.49 meters tall and 7.76 meters across, portrays the suffering wrought by violence and chaos. Prominent in the composition are a gored horse, a bull, screaming women, a dead baby, a dismembered soldier, and flames. 

Dear friends, the world as it stands today is more intensely violent, more divided and more apathetic, than the times faced by Picasso. The internal strife we feel is similar to Guernica painting. 

Being so famous, most of you may be knowing Guernica already. More details can be found in the video link given in the reference section#1. We shall limit our discussion to ekkaDa chUchina nI prapaMchamuna / jikkulu silugulu jiMtalunE (ఎక్కడ చూచిన నీ ప్రపంచమునఁ / జిక్కులు సిలుగులుఁ జింతలునే) is never more appropriately depicted as in Guernica. This Annamacharya is not philosopher to expound a theory. He wrote what he could see with his eyes in that oneness with God. He did not write the poems to appease a king or a section of people. 

యేది దలంచిన నేకాలంబును
సూదులమూఁటల సుఖములివి
కాదన నౌననఁ గడ గనిపించఁగ
పోదికాఁడు తలఁపునఁ గలఁ డొకఁడే         అప్పుల॥

yEdi dalaMchina nEkAlaMbunu
sUdulamUTala sukhamulivi
kAdana naunana gaDa ganipiMchaga
pOdikADu talapuna gala DokaDE         appula 

Word to word meaning: యేది (yEdi) whatever; దలంచిన (dalaMchina) = thought or imagination; నేకాలంబును (nEkAlaMbunu) = any period; సూదులమూఁటల (sUdulamUTala) = bags of thorns; సుఖములివి (sukhamulivi) = these pleasures;  కాదన నౌననఁ (kAdana naunana) = Either to confirm or contradict; గడ గనిపించఁగ (gaDa ganipiMchaga) = to see/observe the end;  పోదికాఁడు = పోటుకాఁడు = meaning a capable person for combat; here and in some other verses also Annamacharya had used word. This is a special word used by Annamacharya} = వీరుడు, our hero; తలఁపునఁ (talapuna) = in the mind; గలఁ డొకఁడే (gala DokaDE) = there exists is only one.

Literal meaning: These pleasures we eye are genuinely thorny bags in every possible sense and in all periods of human existence. Believe it or not, there is only one hero who can fathom the depths of your heart (to find the end of your thinking).

Explanation: gaDa ganipiMchaga గడ గనిపించఁగ: means that a person can find his life journey from its origins to till now. We ordinary people have no access to such information. It is said the liberated souls could feel wholeness of life.

pOdikADu talapuna gala DokaDE (పోదికాఁడు తలఁపునఁ గలఁ డొకఁడే):  is related to this verse in Bhagavad-Gita अनादित्वान्निर्गुणत्वात्परमात्मायमव्यय: | शरीरस्थोऽपि कौन्तेय न करोति न लिप्यते || 13-32|| anāditvān nirguṇatvāt paramātmāyam avyayaḥ śharīra-stho ’pi kaunteya na karoti na lipyate Purport: O son of Kunti, the imperishable Supreme Being situated within the body. He is not affected by material qualities and remains neutral. 

Thus, in this stanza, Annamacharya is asking the man to discontinue the pursuance of pleasure and find the God situated in his heart.

Implied Meaning: O man, beyond the pleasures which eventually prove to be thorny bags, find that great treasure residing in your heart. 

యెన్నఁడు వీడీ నెప్పుడు వాసీఁ
బన్నిన తమతమ బంధములు
వున్నతి సేయఁగ వొప్పులు నెరపఁగ
వెన్నుఁడు వేంకటవిభుఁడే కలఁడు అప్పుల॥
yennaDu vIDI neppuDu vAsI
bannina tamatama baMdhamulu
vunnati sEyaga voppulu nerapaga
vennuDu vEMkaTavibhuDE kalaDu appula

Word to word meaning: యెన్నఁడు వీడీ (yennaDu vIDI) = when will they go away; నెప్పుడు (neppuDu) = always; వాసీఁ (vAsI) = increasing, becoming stronger; బన్నిన (bannina) = planned; తమతమ (tamatama) = your; బంధములు (baMdhamulu) = bonds; వున్నతి (vunnati) = heights; సేయఁగ (sEyaga) =to scale;  వొప్పులు (voppulu) = appropriate things, virtuous deeds; నెరపఁగ (nerapaga) = నెఱవేర్చు, to fulfil; వెన్నుఁడు (vennuDu) = Lord Vishnu; వేంకటవిభుఁడే (vEMkaTavibhuDE) = Lord Venkateswara; కలఁడు (kalaDu) = exists.

Literal meaning: The bonds you have subconsciously planned will not go away. Instead, they keep getting stronger. To make you climb the heights and guide you to good deeds, Lord Vishnu in the form of Venkateshwara is there.

Explanation: By the wording bannina tamatama baMdhamulu బన్నిన తమతమ బంధములు is indicating that the bonds are not congenital but created with age by the person. Therefore, Annamacharya is clear that man can break the bonds and it’s for the man to break the bonds.

However, Man wants quick results. He likes to review his progress of spiritual journey hour by hour. Is human life a cricket match to provide ball by ball progress? But regrettably, this is our actual displayed attitude. For that Annamacharya always advised patience. {example: vOpi nI dAsyamu chEri voppegAka వోపి నీ దాస్యము చేరి వొప్పెఁగాక) = By participating in your devotional service with patience and forbearance, my soul is persuaded to transcend these variations of high and low}


References and Recommendations for further reading:

#1 Picasso's Guernica: Great Art Explained - YouTube

-X-The End-X-




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