Wednesday, 20 July 2022

133 ఎట్టు మన్నించేవో నన్ను యిటువంటి వాఁడను (eTTu manniMchEvO nannu yiTuvaMTi vADanu)


133 ఎట్టు మన్నించేవో నన్ను యిటువంటి వాఁడను 

(eTTu manniMchEvO nannu yiTuvaMTi vADanu)


Those interested in Telegu Version may press this link


Introduction:  Peda Tirumalacharyulu, son of Annamacharya wrote so many poems. Like his father, uses innocent imploration to connect with the masses.

In his ignorance, man tries to do everything to please God. Tries out all the tricks he has at hand. Do we need to prove our abilities to God? Not realising that being with HIM means being 'there', he finds himself in all kinds of troubles. 

In a way, he criticised public that they keep trying various methods like prayers, beads, food, rituals, dance, strict discipline, and meditation to reach God. Strangely, without dedication and devotion, these things do not count at all! 

Beyond these descriptions of inconsistent actions of man, underlies the true message of this poem.  Action of tapas (contrition) is a movement to discard anarchy. Its a journey away from the sassiness.  



శ్రీరంగం రాగిరేకు:  18-17  సంపుటము: 15-449

ఎట్టు మన్నించేవో నన్ను యిటువంటి వాఁడను
దట్టపుటాసల నిన్నుఁ దడవుచున్నాఁడను ॥పల్లవి॥
పలుమారు మొక్కఁగాను పరాకు సేసిన ట్టౌనో
మలసి జపించఁగాను మతి యెంత గరఁగునో
కొలువఁగా గొలువఁగా కొసరిన ట్టౌనో
తల పెఱుఁగక నిన్నుఁ దగులుచున్నాఁడను ॥ఎట్టు॥
చేరి పూజించఁగా నిన్నుఁ జిక్కించు కొన్న ట్టౌనో
సారె నారగింపంచగా చవి మరపిన ట్టౌనో
వూరకే సేవ సేయఁగా వొలవేసినట్టౌనో
నోరఁగొలఁదుల నిన్ను నుతింపుచున్నాఁడను ॥ఎట్టు॥
ఆటలాడి నవ్వించఁగా నలయించి నట్టౌనో
పాటించి శరణనఁగా పట్టి పెనఁగిన ట్టౌనో
వాటమై శ్రీవేంకటేశ వరదుఁడవు నీ వైతే
మేటి నా యాసల నిన్ను మెప్పించుచున్నాఁడను ॥ఎట్టు॥


Copper Leaf from SRIRANGAM :  18-17     Volume: 15-449

eTTu manniMchEvO nannu yiTuvaMTi vADanu
daTTapuTAsala ninnu daDavuchunnADanu pallavi
palumAru mokkagAnu parAku sEsina TTaunO
malasi japiMchagAnu mati yeMta garagunO
koluvagA goluvagA kosarina TTaunO
tala pe~rugaka ninnu daguluchunnADanu eTTu
chEri pUjiMchagA ninnu jikkiMchu konna TTaunO
sAre nAragiMpaMchagA chavi marapina TTaunO
vUrakE sEva sEyagA volavEsinaTTaunO
nOragoladula ninnu nutiMpuchunnADanu eTTu
ATalADi navviMchagA nalayiMchi naTTaunO
pATiMchi SaraNanagA paTTi penagina TTaunO
vATamai SrIvEMkaTESa varaduDavu nI vaitE
mETi nA yAsala ninnu meppiMchuchunnADanu eTTu



Details and Explanations:

ఎట్టు మన్నించేవో నన్ను యిటువంటి వాఁడను
దట్టపుటాసల నిన్నుఁ దడవుచున్నాఁడను ॥పల్లవి॥
eTTu manniMchEvO nannu yiTuvaMTi vADanu
daTTapuTAsala ninnu daDavuchunnADanu pallavi 

Word to Word meaning: ఎట్టు (eTTu) = How;  మన్నించేవో (manniMchEvO) = to excuse, to pardon,  forgive; నన్ను (nannu) = me;  యిటువంటి వాఁడను (yiTuvaMTi vADanu) = I am like this;  దట్టపుటాసల (daTTapuTAsala) = with lots of desires;  నిన్నుఁ (ninnu) = you; దడవుచున్నాఁడను (daDavuchunnADanu) = groping you. 

Literal meaning: How will you forgive me for I am like this. I blindly knock at your door with lots of desires. 

Explanation: Tirumalacharya impresses us with his honest and clear statement. Consider a child was described about a castle in air, like the picture below by MC Escher. 

This strikes a chord so well with the child, he never forgets it. It remains in his imagination forever. That’s why we have so many fantasy movies on this theme.  Like the character in the picture, we have so many fancy ideas on what god is.

Observe that there is great distance between the character and object of imagination.  As long as we live in imagination, certainly we are away from reality.  I believe Tirumalacharya  wrote this poem with a basis similar to this . 

Implied meaning: I know not how, but sure you will forgive me.


పలుమారు మొక్కఁగాను పరాకు సేసిన ట్టౌనో
మలసి జపించఁగాను మతి యెంత గరఁగునో
కొలువఁగా గొలువఁగా కొసరిన ట్టౌనో
తల పెఱుఁగక నిన్నుఁ దగులుచున్నాఁడను ॥ఎట్టు॥
palumAru mokkagAnu parAku sEsina TTaunO
malasi japiMchagAnu mati yeMta garagunO
koluvagA goluvagA kosarina TTaunO
tala pe~rugaka ninnu daguluchunnADanu eTTu 

Word to Word meaning: పలుమారు (palumAru) = many times; మొక్కఁగాను (mokkagAnu) = bowing to you; పరాకు సేసిన ట్టౌనో (parAku sEsina TTaunO) = Hope you will not consider it as forgetfulness, neglect, want of attention, oversight;  మలసి (malasi) = excitedly, repeatedly;  జపించఁగాను (japiMchagAnu) = to repeat prayers; మతి (mati) = your mind; యెంత గరఁగునో (yeMta garagunO) = do not know what extent it softens; కొలువఁగా గొలువఁగా (koluvagA goluvagA) = by repeated appearances of folded hand in front of you; కొసరిన ట్టౌనో (kosarina TTaunO) = will it be construed as hankering; తల పెఱుఁగక (tala pe~rugaka) = అంతరంగమెరుగక, without knowing you from inside; నిన్నుఁ (ninnu) = you; దగులుచున్నాఁడను (daguluchunnADanu) = trying to touch you. 

Literal meaning: O God! I bow to you many times. I hope you don't really see this as an act of neglect or carelessness. I don't know if frequent prayers will soften you. I wish you don’t consider my repeated folding of hands as hankering. Without knowing you from inside, sir, I keep touching your feet. 

Explanation: తల పెఱుఁగక (tala pe~rugaka) is indicating naivety of equating the incomprehensible god to our small minds and treating him like an ordinary being. 

Implied meaning: From deeds of ignorance, do not expect liberation.


చేరి పూజించఁగా నిన్నుఁ జిక్కించు కొన్న ట్టౌనో
సారె నారగింపంచగా చవి మరపిన ట్టౌనో
వూరకే సేవ సేయఁగా వొలవేసినట్టౌనో
నోరఁగొలఁదుల నిన్ను నుతింపుచున్నాఁడను ॥ఎట్టు॥
chEri pUjiMchagA ninnu jikkiMchu konna TTaunO
sAre nAragiMpaMchagA chavi marapina TTaunO
vUrakE sEva sEyagA volavEsinaTTaunO
nOragoladula ninnu nutiMpuchunnADanu eTTu


Word to Word meaning: చేరి (chEri) = approaching; పూజించఁగా (pUjiMchagA) = performing ritualistic prayers; నిన్నుఁ (ninnu) = you; జిక్కించు కొన్న ట్టౌనో (jikkiMchu konna TTaunO) = is it like having you in my grip?; సారె (sAre) = a complete list of food items offered to lord;   నారగింపంచగా (nAragiMpaMchagA) = submitted for consumption; చవి మరపిన ట్టౌనో (chavi marapina TTaunO) = does it mean like  make you get used to tastes (thus, expecting you  to fall for it); వూరకే (vUrakE) = freely; సేవ (sEva) = service, duty;  సేయఁగా (sEyagA) = performing; వొలవేసినట్టౌనో (volavEsinaTTaunO) = does it amount to trap you? నోరఁగొలఁదుల (nOragoladula) = voice with all my strength; నిన్ను (ninnu) = you; నుతింపుచున్నాఁడను (nutiMpuchunnADanu) = praising you! 

Literal meaning: Approaching you with ritualistic prayers, does it mean having you in my grip? I offer you wide variety of foods for consumption. Is it to make you fall for their taste? Without any expectation in return, If I offer you my service, is to trap you? I simply try to praise you with all my strength. 

Explanation: నోరఁగొలఁదుల (nOragoladula = voice with all my strength) is signifying brute effort. 

Implied meaning: Praising God, offering food and rituals do not take us to God. 


ఆటలాడి నవ్వించఁగా నలయించి నట్టౌనో
పాటించి శరణనఁగా పట్టి పెనఁగిన ట్టౌనో
వాటమై శ్రీవేంకటేశ వరదుఁడవు నీ వైతే
మేటి నా యాసల నిన్ను మెప్పించుచున్నాఁడను      ॥ఎట్టు॥
ATalADi navviMchagA nalayiMchi naTTaunO
pATiMchi SaraNanagA paTTi penagina TTaunO
vATamai SrIvEMkaTESa varaduDavu nI vaitE
mETi nA yAsala ninnu meppiMchuchunnADanu eTTu


Word to Word meaning: ఆటలాడి (ATalADi) = by dancing; నవ్వించఁగా (navviMchagA) = make you laugh; నలయించి నట్టౌనో (nalayiMchi naTTaunO) = does it mean I  am tiring you out? పాటించి (pATiMchi) = with strict discipline;  శరణనఁగా (SaraNanagA) = submitting to you; పట్టి పెనఁగిన ట్టౌనో (paTTi penagina TTaunO) = can it mean forcing you? వాటమై (vATamai) = అనుకూలమైనది, త్రోవ, ౘుట్టు వెలుగు వేసిన చోటు, favourable, path, place with lights all around;  శ్రీవేంకటేశ వరదుఁడవు (SrIvEMkaTESa varaduDavu) = Lord Venkateswara! You are the one that showers boons; నీ వైతే (nI vaitE) = you are;  మేటి (mETi) = కుప్పలుగా పోసిన​, heaps of;  నా యాసల (nA yAsala) = my wishes; నిన్ను (ninnu) = you; మెప్పించుచున్నాఁడను (meppiMchuchunnADanu) = trying to impress you.


Literal meaning: We dance to attract. We play to make you laugh. We you tire you out. We observe rituals with strict discipline as if we secured your refuge. We pour out heaps of wishes, O Lord Sri Venkteswara, unaware that you are the goal, the path, the light and the place. 

ExplanationMan continues his directionless journey. He gets consumed by his own imaginations. Now have a deep look at the picture below.

The picture tells us a lot about our state of mind. Though our brain works with in the frame of logic, the mind follows its own path as shown in the picture. The mind twists the reality in its favour. The poor brain is confused. Therefore, the man remains same as he was before. 

Whatever we do with certain expectations in mind are foolish actions. God understands our intentions. When our mind is clear, no word ever needs to be spoken. When our consciousness is clear, no action ever needs to be undertaken, for the very clarity in the mind is action. That is bliss. 

Tirumalacharya thus said, do not try to impress God. Rather be as you are. All other actions lead to sorrow. 

Implied meaning: Trying to please God is childish. Understand and open your mind to God. He is the way, the light, the grace, the blessing, everything.



References and Recommendations for further reading:

#1 24. చంచలము మానితేను సంసారమే సుఖము (chaMchalamu mAnitEnu saMsAramE sukhamu)


#2 85. ఎవ్వరినేర్పులు జెప్ప నిందు నేది (evvarinErpulu jeppa niMdu nEdi)


Summary of this Keertana:


Chorus: How will you forgive me for I am like this. I blindly knock at your door with lots of desires. Implied meaning: I know not how, but sure you will forgive me. 

Stanza 1: O God! I bow to you many times. I hope you don't really see this as an act of neglect or carelessness. I don't know if frequent prayers will soften you. I wish you don’t consider my repeated folding of hands as hankering. Without knowing you from inside, sir, I keep touching your feet. Implied meaning:  From deeds of ignorance, do not expect liberation.  

Stanza 2: Approaching you with ritualistic prayers, does it mean having you in my grip? I offer you wide variety of foods for consumption. Is it to make you fall for their taste? Without any expectation in return, If I offer you my service, is to trap you? I simply try to praise you with all my strength.  Implied meaning: Praising God, offering food and rituals do not take us to God.  

Stanza 3: We dance to attract. We play to make you laugh. We you tire you out. We observe rituals with strict discipline as if we secured your refuge. We pour out heaps of wishes, O Lord Sri Venkteswara, unaware that you are the goal, the path, the light and the place. Implied meaning: Trying to please God is childish. Understand and open your mind to God. He is the way, the light, the grace, the blessing, everything.

1 comment:

212. ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya (ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య)

  ANNAMACHARYA 212. ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya Introduction: In this seemingly unassuming comp...