Saturday, 2 December 2023

189 OhO nilichina dokaTidiyE (ఓహో నిలిచిన దొకటిదియే)



189 ఓహో నిలిచిన దొకటిదియే 

(OhO nilichina dokaTidiyE)

for Telegu (తెలుగు) Version press here


Synopsis: Brahman remains indeterminate, defying categorization as either existing (sat सत) or non-existing (asat असत) -Bhagavad Gita.

Summary of this Poem:

Chorus: The sole enduring element will be the recollection of the Lord.

Stanza 1: The very name of the Lotus-eyed Supreme Lord acts as a healing balm, eradicating the sins born from the different phases of life. Surrendering to the deity robed in saffron becomes a radiant lamp, dispelling the darkness of ignorance that engulfs our lives.

Stanza 2: Vishnu Kirtans are like grand feasts for the soul. Vaikuntha, in this context, is akin to the spiritual allowance we receive. Reciting the hymns of Achyuta serves as the stepping stones, guiding us from the lowest realms of consciousness to the sublime heights of spiritual realization.

Stanza 3: Complete devotion to Krishna is akin to a securely tied bag full of wealth, and those who seek it attain absolution. The grace of Sri Venkateswara serves as the greatest support for devotees.


Detailed Presentation


Introduction: This Annamacharya's poem appears to commence abruptly, much like how human life unfolds unexpectedly, revealing only a fraction of its entirety. Our understanding is limited to a partial glimpse of existence, with the antecedents and subsequent chapters remain concealed, echoing the expression of Bhagavad Gita verse 2-28.


అధ్యాత్మ కీర్తన:

రాగిరేకు:  297-5 సంపుటము: 3-564

Philosophical Poem

Copper Plate: 297-5 Vol: 3-564

ఓహో నిలిచిన దొకటిదియే
శ్రీహరి సాకారచింతనము ॥పల్లవి॥
పంచమవేదపు పద్మాక్షునామము
అంచెఁ బాపహర మౌషధము
పంచలఁ బీతాంబరు శరణాగతి
ముంచిన యజ్ఞానమునకు దీపము ॥ఓహో॥
విందులకుడుపులు విష్ణుకీర్తనము
చందపు వైకుంఠ సంబళము
పొందుగ నచ్యుతుఁ బూజించు పూజలు
కిందటఁ గొనకెక్కెడి నిచ్చెనలు ॥ఓహో॥
కట్టిన ముడుపగు ఘన కృష్ణభక్తి
ముట్టిన పాపవిమోచనము
యిట్టే శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరు కృప యిది
పట్టినవారికి బలువగు కొమ్ము ॥ఓహో॥
OhO nilichina dokaTidiyE
SrIhari sAkArachiMtanamu pallavi
paMchamavEdapu padmAkshunAmamu
aMche bApahara maushadhamu
paMchala bItAMbaru SaraNAgati
muMchina yaj~nAnamunaku dIpamuOhO
viMdulakuDupulu vishNukIrtanamu
chaMdapu vaikuMTha saMbaLamu
poMduga nachyutu bUjiMchu pUjalu
kiMdaTa gonakekkeDi nichchenalu OhO
kaTTina muDupagu ghana kRshNabhakti
muTTina pApavimOchanamu
yiTTE SrIvEMkaTESvaru kRpa yidi
paTTinavAriki baluvagu kommu OhO

Details and Explanations:

ఓహో నిలిచిన దొకటిదియే
శ్రీహరి సాకారచింతనము

OhO nilichina dokaTidiyE
SrIhari sAkArachiMtanamu         pallavi 

Word to Word Meaning: ఓహో (OhO) = Exclamation (indicating surprise); నిలిచిన (nilichina) = that remains (the one withstands tests of time) దొకటిదియే (dokaTidiyE) = this alone; శ్రీహరి (SrIhari) = Lord Srihari; సాకారచింతనము (sAkArachiMtanamu)= remembering the form of the Lord.

Literal Meaning: The sole enduring element will be the recollection of the Lord.


Explanation: Through deconstructing the layers, we have carefully built, the genuine essence of a human being emerges. A thorough and objective examination of individuals shows that each person is essentially a collection of various perspectives absorbed from the surroundings. Consequently, when someone truly recognizes the lack of truth in what they hold, the artificial construct known as "I" is abandoned.

When a yogi attains such a state, they come to the realization that they are shaped by a bundle of contradictions. In this understanding, they also grasp that their perception of the world is constructed upon flawed foundations and misconceptions. Consequently, this individual relinquishes both their sense of self and their attachment to the world. In this state of mind, there is no distinction between the self and the world. As Jiddu Krishnamurti expressed, "you are the world." Similarly, Annamacharya conveys, "OhO nilichina dokaTidiyE / SrIhari sAkArachiMtanamu" (ఓహో నిలిచిన దొకటిదియే / శ్రీహరి సాకారచింతనము), emphasizing the oneness between the individual and the divine.

The complexity of this concept is underscored by Magritte's "Le grand matin" (= The Best Morning), a captivating surrealist painting that visually articulates the intricacies involved.

In the painting, there's a large door, a wall of equal proportion, with a massive and irregular opening carved into it. Despite this substantial portion being removed, the door maintains complete, unharmed. Through the irregular opening, one can glimpse the expanse of the sea and the vast blue sky beyond.

On the near side of the door, our perspective is from behind a Bilboquet who stands there, gazing at the door. Positioned to the right of the door, in the space between the Bilboquet and the door itself, a cluster of green leaves catches the eye. Upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that these leaves are, in fact, reminiscent of parrot-like birds.


Magritte's surreal composition invites contemplation on profound themes. The Bilboquet in the foreground can be interpreted as a symbol of a human being. The door, marked by its massive irregular opening, becomes a potent metaphor for a significant and irreversible transformation—whether it be death or birth remains open to interpretation. The vast sea and sky visible beyond the door remain enigmatic, withholding their true nature. This ambiguity prompts the realization that, despite their immediate presence, these elements elude our complete understanding. Magritte, through this painting, seems to suggest the mystery and incomprehensibility of fundamental aspects of existence.


Indeed, Magritte's portrayal suggests that for the Bilboquet, both death and life are equally inaccessible and mysterious. The symbolic door, representing a profound change, remains unyielding to our attempts at understanding, akin to the futile endeavour to comprehend God through unauthorized penetration. The deliberate preservation of the door and the wall, despite the huge irregular opening, underscores the idea that such fundamental aspects resist complete revelation, emphasizing the limits of human understanding in the face of the divine or existential mysteries.

Achieving the singular truth requires abandoning present endeavours and acknowledging that the known and the unknown in this world are fundamentally connected. The birds depicted in the painting symbolize individuals who mock those walking the path of truth from this side of the world, with their green color representing the quality of envy. By portraying the birds as plants on the ground, the artwork suggests a fixed mindset among those individuals.

Indeed, a person on the path of liberation transcends the need for proofs or evidence concerning the ego, referred to as the 'Self,' or the world, deemed as 'illusion.' This sentiment is echoed in Annamacharya's words, "OhO nilichina dokaTidiyE / SrIhari sAkArachiMtanamu" (ఓహో నిలిచిన దొకటిదియే / శ్రీహరి సాకారచింతనము), where he expresses the profound realization that the contemplation of the divine is inherent, irrespective of any external validation or qualification.

పంచమవేదపు పద్మాక్షునామము
అంచెఁ బాపహర మౌషధము
పంచలఁ బీతాంబరు శరణాగతి
ముంచిన యజ్ఞానమునకు దీపము ॥ఓహో॥ 

paMchamavEdapu padmAkshunAmamu
aMche bApahara maushadhamu
paMchala bItAMbaru SaraNAgati
muMchina yaj~nAnamunaku dIpamuOhO 

Word to Word Meaning: పంచమవేదపు (paMchamavEdapu) = absolutely fair and credible;  పద్మాక్షునామము (padmAkshunAmamu) = A name of the Lotus eyed Lord; అంచెఁ (aMche) = a stage or halting place in a journey (here implying the ceaseless movement between life and death);  బాపహర (bApahara) = douses all the sins;  మౌషధము (maushadhamu) = this medicine;  పంచలఁ (paMchala) = one that is close by, proximity; బీతాంబరు (bItAMbaru) = The god who is clothed in a saffron robe, an epithet of Vishṇu; శరణాగతి (SaraNAgati) = refuge,; ముంచిన (muMchina) = inundated; యజ్ఞానమునకు (yaj~nAnamunaku) = for ignorance; దీపము (dIpamu) = light; 

Literal Meaning: The very name of the Lotus-eyed Supreme Lord acts as a healing balm, eradicating the sins born from the different phases of life. Surrendering to the deity robed in saffron becomes a radiant lamp, dispelling the darkness of ignorance that engulfs our lives.

Explanation; paMchamavEdapu padmAkshunAmamu / aMche bApahara maushadhamu పంచమవేదపు పద్మాక్షునామము / అంచెఁ బాపహర మౌషధము: Annamacharya emphasized that uttering the name of the Lord alone is enough to alleviate the perpetual cycle of suffering associated with birth and death. Unlike delving into extensive discussions about virtuous deeds leading to higher realms, he directly addressed the consequences of sin. His focus centred on transcending to a higher spiritual plane where conventional distinctions between right and wrong become irrelevant. This direct and unconventional approach might not have been well-received by scholars of his time, leading to a prolonged period during which the true depth and purpose of his hymns remained concealed. 

We tend to place higher value on words that are sweetened and indirect rather than those spoken with direct objectivity. Instead of focusing on action, we often dwell more on contemplating the potential outcomes of our actions. Whether it's seeking satisfaction or tangible benefits, our expectations from deeds often resemble business transactions. Our minds are drawn to these engagements as they offer mental fodder for thinking, increasing the likelihood of losing our way. 

Annamacharya's teachings centre on the wholeness of life, transcending the limitations imposed by our individual desires. He emphasizes that all pursuits, whether spiritual or material, essentially involve a movement from one known position to another. In this context, surrendering to the Lord with the profound awareness that “we lack complete knowledge of both ourselves and the world around us” emerges as the only viable option for humanity. This surrender becomes a transformative path leading to a deeper understanding and connection with the divine.


విందులకుడుపులు విష్ణుకీర్తనము
చందపు వైకుంఠ సంబళము
పొందుగ నచ్యుతుఁ బూజించు పూజలు
కిందటఁ గొనకెక్కెడి నిచ్చెనలు ॥ఓహో॥

viMdulakuDupulu vishNukIrtanamu
chaMdapu vaikuMTha saMbaLamu
poMduga nachyutu bUjiMchu pUjalu
kiMdaTa gonakekkeDi nichchenalu OhO


Word to Word Meaning: విందులకుడుపులు (viMdulakuDupulu) = great feast; విష్ణుకీర్తనము (vishNukIrtanamu) = praise of Lord Vishnu;  చందపు (chaMdapu) similar to, might be likened to; వైకుంఠ (vaikuMTha) = वैकुंठ, highest places, abode of Lord Vishnu;  సంబళము (saMbaLamu) = travelling allowance, wages;  పొందుగ (poMduga) = suitably, appropriately; నచ్యుతుఁ (nachyutu) = Lord Achyuta; బూజించు పూజలు (bUjiMchu pUjalu) = reciting the hymns; కిందటఁ (kiMdaTa) = our present place/position; గొనకెక్కెడి (gonakekkeDi) = leading to the highest;  నిచ్చెనలు (nichchenalu) = steps, path;

Literal Meaning: Vishnu Kirtans are like grand feasts for the soul. Vaikuntha, in this context, is akin to the spiritual allowance we receive. Reciting the hymns of Achyuta serves as the stepping stones, guiding us from the lowest realms of consciousness to the sublime heights of spiritual realization.

Explanation; How can we say that we are at a very low level? It can be said from Bhagavad Gita 14-8 तमस्त्वज्ञानजं विद्धि मोहनं सर्वदेहिनाम् "tamas tv ajñāna-jaṁ viddhi mohanaṁ sarva-dehinām". This Low level is not related to our skills and societal position. It is caused by our engagement in material activity. The ladders mentioned by Annamacharya are not some steps to climb. They are indicating transcendence from psychologically unsustainable state to stable state. Not a journey.

Annamacharya delves into the profound realization that achieving this transformative state is beyond the capacity of our current consciousness. The unconscious, lying beyond our control, presents an obstacle to such a transformation. Recognizing the impossibility of this task leads one to a narrow path between life and death, conscious and unconscious. Importantly, it's acknowledged that the present knowledge is inadequate for reaching this state.

Annamacharya, in proposing this challenging crossroads, encapsulates the essence of metamorphosis for humanity - a journey between life and death, between the known and the unknown. The state he describes in "గొడ్డేరేచిన్నదిడ్డితెరువు వోక / దొడ్డతెరువువంక తొలఁగుమీ" ("Godderechinnidditeruvu voka / Doddateruvuvanka tolangumi") remains indescribable by any living person, emphasizing the profundity and mystery of this transformative state.

This state which is neither death nor life is mentioned in - Bhagavad Gita 13-13 ज्ञेयं यत्तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि यज्ज्ञात्वामृतमश्रुते । अनादिमत्परं ब्रह्म न सत्तन्नासदुच्यते ॥ jñeyaṁ yat tat pravakṣhyāmi yaj jñātvāmṛitam aśhnute / anādi mat-paraṁ brahma na sat tan nāsad uchyate (Meaning: Arjuna!! I shall now reveal to you that which ought to be known, and by knowing which, one attains immortality. It is the beginningless Brahman, which lies beyond existence and non-existence).


Indeed, Annamacharya's attempt to describe a state transcends ordinary imagination or fantasy. A profound comprehension of death becomes crucial to grasp the meaning embedded in his poems. However, discussions about death often evoke reluctance, and without acknowledging and understanding this fundamental aspect, any attempt to delve into the meaning of his poetry may remain futile.

కట్టిన ముడుపగు ఘన కృష్ణభక్తి
ముట్టిన పాపవిమోచనము
యిట్టే శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరు కృప యిది
పట్టినవారికి బలువగు కొమ్ము ॥ఓహో॥
kaTTina muDupagu ghana kRshNabhakti
muTTina pApavimOchanamu
yiTTE SrIvEMkaTESvaru kRpa yidi
paTTinavAriki baluvagu kommu OhO


Word to Word Meaning: కట్టిన ముడుపగు (kaTTina muDupagu) = Money (or wealth) tied up in bag (implying that we cannot estimate its worth);  ఘన కృష్ణభక్తి (ghana kRshNabhakti) = Great devotion to Lord Krishna; ముట్టిన (muTTina) = when touched (when understaken); పాపవిమోచనము (pApavimOchanamu) = all the sins will be washed out; యిట్టే (yiTTE) = immediately; శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరు కృప యిది (SrIvEMkaTESvaru kRpa yidi) = this is the grace of Lord Venkateswara; పట్టినవారికి (paTTinavAriki) = Those who take up steadfast; బలువగు కొమ్ము (baluvagu kommu) = Strong support;

Literal Meaning: Complete devotion to Krishna is akin to a securely tied bag full of wealth, and those who seek it attain absolution. The grace of Sri Venkateswara serves as the greatest support for devotees.

-x-The End-x-

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