Sunday, 21 April 2024

201. ఆతఁడే బ్రహ్మణ్యదైవ మాదిమూలమైనవాఁడు. (AtaMDE brahmaNyadaiva mAdimUlamainavADu)


201. ఆతఁడే బ్రహ్మణ్యదైవ మాదిమూలమైనవాఁడు

(AtaMDE brahmaNyadaiva mAdimUlamainavADu)

Introduction: Annamacharya is truly remarkable. His profound understanding of Truth is thought-provoking. It's astounding how he intricately weaves together diverse ideas to create exquisite compositions. His dreamlike storytelling obscures any speculation, yet imparts profound meaning while presenting elusive truths with remarkable clarity.


Summary of the Poem:

Chorus: He is the primordial Lord. He is the Root of all the things. Ignoring him unlawful. Implied meaning:  O Man, you have no basis to deny God. You wander arrogantly in improper conceit. 

First Stanza: "All the newborns are named after whom? (signifying the Lord and His associated names). People joyfully look at the Birth Star and Zodiac (to seek a place close to HIM). Holy waters are taken in whose Name?" 

Second Stanza: Indeed, those who consider whose name as the sole destiny and refuge for the world, and (those who) believe that HE is the only means, forsaking everything, including life itself, attain liberation or emancipation. Believing whose name, people offer prayers to their elders and departed souls. 

Third Stanza: This name is invoked by Saint Narada, and Gauri, the consort of Lord Shiva, chants it continuously. This very name serves as the foundation for Brahma, Shiva, and their devotees. With utmost reverence, whose name is granting all blessings to the Venkatadri Hills?

అధ్యాత్మ కీర్తన:

రాగిరేకు 262-4  సంపుటము: 3-358

Philosophical Poem

Copper Leaf: 262-4  Volume: 3-358

ఆతఁడే బ్రహ్మణ్యదైవ మాదిమూలమైనవాఁడు
ఆతని మానుటలెల్లా నవిధిపూర్వకము ॥పల్లవి॥
యెవ్వని పేరఁ బిలుతు రిలఁ బుట్టిన జీవుల
నవ్వుచు మాసనక్షత్రనామములను
అవ్వల నెవ్వని కేశవాదినామములే
రవ్వగా నాచమనాలు రచియింతురు         ॥ఆతఁ॥
అచ్చ మే దేవుని నారాయణనామమే గతి
చచ్చేటివారికి సన్యాసమువారికి
ఇచ్చ నెవ్వరిఁ దలఁచి యిత్తురు పితాళ్లకు
ముచ్చట నెవ్వని నామములనే సంకల్పము ॥ఆతఁ॥
నారదుఁడు దలఁచేటి నామమది యెవ్వనిది
గౌరి నుడిగేటి నామకథ యేడది
తారకమై బ్రహ్మరుద్రతతి కెవ్వరినామము
యీ రీతి శ్రీవేంకటాద్రి నెవ్వఁడిచ్చీ వరము ॥ఆతఁ॥​


AtaMDE brahmaNyadaiva mAdimUlamainavADu
Atani mAnuTalellA navidhipUrvakamu

yevvani pEra bilutu rila buTTina jIvula
navvuchu mAsanakshatranAmamulanu
avvala nevvani kESavAdinAmamulE
ravvagA nAchamanAlu rachiyiMturu

achcha mE dEvuni nArAyaNanAmamE gati
chachchETivAriki sanyAsamuvAriki
ichcha nevvari dala@Mchi yitturu pitALlaku
muchchaTa nevvani nAmamulanE saMkalpamu

nAraduDu dalachETi nAmamadi yevvanidi
gauri nuDigETi nAmakatha yEDadi
tArakamai brahmarudratati kevvarinAmamu
yI rIti SrIvEMkaTAdri nevvaDichchI varamuAtaDe



Details and explanations:

ఆతఁడే బ్రహ్మణ్యదైవ మాదిమూలమైనవాఁడు
ఆతని మానుటలెల్లా నవిధిపూర్వకము ॥పల్లవి॥ 

AtaDE brahmaNyadaiva mAdimUlamainavADu
Atani mAnuTalellA navidhipUrvakamu


Meaning: He is the primordial Lord. He is the Root of all the things. Ignoring him unlawful.

Implied meaning:  O Man, you have no basis to deny God. You wander arrogantly in improper conceit.

యెవ్వని పేరఁ బిలుతు రిలఁ బుట్టిన జీవుల
నవ్వుచు మాసనక్షత్రనామములను
అవ్వల నెవ్వని కేశవాదినామములే
రవ్వగా నాచమనాలు రచియింతురు    ॥ఆతఁ॥ 

yevvani pEra bilutu rila buTTina jIvula
navvuchu mAsanakshatranAmamulanu
avvala nevvani kESavAdinAmamulE
ravvagA nAchamanAlu rachiyiMturu

Meaning"All the newborns are named after whom? (signifying the Lord and His associated names). People joyfully look at the Birth Star and Zodiac (to seek a place close to HIM). Holy waters are taken in whose Name?"

Explanation:  Annamacharya is very clear that people of the world (irrespective of their country of origin, name their children after the Gods they believe in. If not, they resort to the names of the month and zodiac signs (again these have origins in theology). This observation of Annamacharya is universal. 

Throughout India in present era known as kaliyug, the names of VISHNU viz Kesava, Narayana, Madhava, Govinda, Vishnu, Madhusudhana, Trivikrama, Vamana, Sridhara, Hrusheekesa, Padmanabha, Damodara, Sankarushana, Vasudeva, Pradhyumna, Anirudhha, Purushothama, Adhokshaja, Naarasimha, Achyuta, Janardhana, Upendra, Hari, Sri Krishna were recited before starting a ritual. 

అచ్చ మే దేవుని నారాయణనామమే గతి
చచ్చేటివారికి సన్యాసమువారికి
ఇచ్చ నెవ్వరిఁ దలఁచి యిత్తురు పితాళ్లకు
ముచ్చట నెవ్వని నామములనే సంకల్పము ॥ఆతఁ॥ 

achcha mE dEvuni nArAyaNanAmamE gati
chachchETivAriki sanyAsamuvAriki
ichcha nevvari dalachi yitturu pitALlaku
muchchaTa nevvani nAmamulanE saMkalpamu

Meaning: Indeed, those who consider whose name as the sole destiny and refuge for the world, and (those who) believe that HE is the only means, forsaking everything, including life itself, attain liberation or emancipation. Believing whose name, people offer prayers to their elders and departed souls.

Explanation:  The first two lines should read as అచ్చ మే దేవుని నారాయణనామమే గతి అని చచ్చేటివారికి సన్యాసమువారికి (achcha mE dEvuni nArAyaNanAmamE gati ani chachchETivAriki sanyAsamuvAriki) means that the state సన్యాసము (Sannyasamu) Annamacharya is describing, also as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita, is beyond the death i.e. is not in the realm of this knowable world. Its not mere changing the colour of the robes. 

This also implies that the name we assume as God is not necessarily accurate. That is the reason in the whole of this poem, Annamacharya is describing God as “that one”. Though he is taking the names of the God often in this poem, he is not confirming that what he witnessed is same as described. 

The Hindu philosophy of God is based on “Anything within the realm of cognition may be regarded as impermanent. The unknown, however, constitutes the imperishable”. 

The death, mentioned by Annamacharya & Jiddu Krishnamurti, is for the present knowledge, present feelings, present conditioning. In any metamorphosis, death is inevitable. Great men like Annamacharya & Jiddu Krishnamurti often talked of death as a matter of fact, not to intimidate the readers. They blended their teachings with death as mandatory element to transcend our present conditioned state. 

Further the bible states Matthew 16:24–26 (NKJV) “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?’” 

On careful observation, we can find that this metamorphosis is closely linked with the narrow path. Annamacharya said తమవంటి శరణాగతులుఁ దాము గొంది నిముడుకొందురు గురుకృప జనులు implying that the servants of the lord accommodate themselves in a narrow hole.  For time being let us name it as the metamorphosis of man. 

Bible described (Matthew 7:13-14) 13Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 

Therefore, we can comprehend that the message hinted at by Jesus aligns with what Annamacharya describes. It is worth noting that these profound religious texts were penned by individuals deeply influenced by God and they are not necessarily educated like us. Annamacharya should be counted among those remarkable souls.

నారదుఁడు దలఁచేటి నామమది యెవ్వనిది
గౌరి నుడిగేటి నామకథ యేడది
తారకమై బ్రహ్మరుద్రతతి కెవ్వరినామము
యీ రీతి శ్రీవేంకటాద్రి నెవ్వఁడిచ్చీ వరము     ॥ఆతఁ॥​ 

nAraduDu dalachETi nAmamadi yevvanidi
gauri nuDigETi nAmakatha yEDadi
tArakamai brahmarudratati kevvarinAmamu
yI rIti SrIvEMkaTAdri nevvaDichchI varamu

Meaning: This name is invoked by Saint Narada, and Gauri, the consort of Lord Shiva, chants it continuously. This very name serves as the foundation for Brahma, Shiva, and their devotees. With utmost reverence, whose name is granting all blessings to the Venkatadri Hills? 

Explanation:  You might have noted that Annamacharya always takes the names of Narada, Vyasa, Sanakadi Rishis. As we know, no one knows the form of God. Only people, we can find is the servants of God. These people have been blessing the world. They reached a state where they become immortal. 

On reading the life story of Jiddu Krishnamurti, we understand that he has been blessed by Lord Buddha. Of course, the point is that we people also can be blessed like them. There is no magic involved. Tremendous amount of devotion is the only path. When we transcend the world of comparisons, this attainment becomes entirely feasible.


-x-x- The End -x-x-


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212. ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya (ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య)

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