Saturday, 28 January 2023

158 ninnu nammi viSvAsamu nIpai nilupukoni (నిన్ను నమ్మి విశ్వా సము నీపై నిలుపుకొని)


158 నిన్ను నమ్మి విశ్వా సము నీపై నిలుపుకొని

(ninnu nammi viSvAsamu nIpai nilupukoni)


for Telegu (తెలుగు) Version press here


The Glass Key 

Synopsis: the most confusing thing for man is how he will be treated by others”. 

Summary of this Poem:

Chorus: I live by the faith in you. What use is of the alternative plans? Implied Meaning: Oh God! I have You, only You in my mind. 

Stanza 1: Oh God, I pursue you, abandoning all doubts about whether you'll come to my aid. I let go of my worries about how people will treat me in the future. 

Stanza 2: Oh my God! I put away the thoughts that make me proud to know your grandeur and greatness. I don't let the weight of atheism fatigue me down just because you can't be found by any trick, method, or search. 

Stanza 3: Oh My God! I realize that those fundamental actions I do not need the additional support from others. On the other hand, I cut ties with others to be with you. O Lord of Alamelumanga, I have left all my virtues on the other side.


Detailed Presentation 

Introduction: This poem is a fine example of disquiet that pervades the humanity.  Completely submerged in the inner self, Annamacharya is talking of the state of mind of a yogi. The points raised by Annamacharya accurately captures the trepidation of a modern man. It seems that he was by our side and captured our deepest feelings in a beautiful poem.



రాగిరేకు:  62-6  సంపుటము: 16-357


Copper Leaf:  62-6  Volume: 16-357

నిన్ను నమ్మి విశ్వాసము నీపై నిలుపుకొని
వున్నవాఁడ నిఁక వేరే వుపాయ మేమిటికి పల్లవి॥
గతియై రక్షింతువో కాక రక్షించవో యని
మతిలోని సంశయము మఱి విడిచి
యితరులచే ముందర నిఁక నెట్టౌదునో యని
వెతతోడఁ దలఁచేటి వెఱ పెల్లా విడిచి నిన్ను॥
తిరమైన నీ మహిమ తెలిసేవాఁడ ననే
గరువముతోడి వుద్యోగము విడిచి
వెరవున నీ రూపము వెదకి కాన లే ననే
గరిమ నలపు నాస్తికత్వమును విడిచి నిన్ను॥
ధ్రువమైన చేఁతలకు తోడు దెచ్చు కొనే ననే
అవల నన్యుల మీఁది యాస విడిచి
వివరించి యలమేల్మంగవిభుఁడ శ్రీవేంకటేశ
తవిలి నా పుణ్యమంతయు నీకు విడిచి నిన్ను॥
ninnu nammi viSvAmu nIpai nilupukoni
vunnavADa nika vErE vupAya mEmiTiki pallavi
gatiyai rakshiMtuvO kAka rakshiMchavO yani
matilOni saMSayamu ma~ri viDichi
yitarulachE muMdara nika neTTaudunO yani
vetatODa dalachETi ve~ra pellA viDichi ninnu
tiramaina nI mahima telisEvADa nanE
garuvamutODi vudyOgamu viDichi
veravuna nI rUpamu vedaki kAna lE nanE
garima nalapu nAstikatvamunu viDichi ninnu

dhruvamaina chEtalaku tODu dechchu konE nanE
avala nanyula mIdi yAsa viDichi
vivariMchi yalamElmaMgavibhuMDa SrIvEMkaTESa
tavili nA puNyamaMtayu nIku viDichi ninnu


Details and Explanations: 

నిన్ను నమ్మి విశ్వాసము నీపై నిలుపుకొని
వున్నవాఁడ నిఁక వేరే వుపాయ మేమిటికి పల్లవి॥
ninnu nammi viSvAsamu nIpai nilupukoni
vunnavADa nika vErE vupAya mEmiTiki pallavi 

Word to word meaning: నిన్ను (ninnu) = you; నమ్మి (nammi) = believing; విశ్వాసము (viSvAsamu) = faith, confidence; నీపై (nIpai) = on you; నిలుపుకొని (nilupukoni) = to attribute; వున్నవాఁడ (vunnavADa) = I live by that; నిఁక (nika) = hereafter, henceforth; వేరే (vErE) = alternative; వుపాయ(vupAya) = plan;  మేమిటికి (mEmiTiki) = why do I need? 

Literal meaning: I live by the faith in you. What use is of the alternative plans? 

Explanation: Annamacharya is very clear, there is only one absolute reality. Have faith in that. He is asserting that thinking of an alternative plan implies an element of doubt. 

This poem is loosely based on the below Bhagavad-Gita verse: व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिरेकेह कुरुनन्दन | बहुशाखा ह्यनन्ताश्च बुद्धयोऽव्यवसायिनाम् || 41|| vyavasāyātmikā buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana / bahu-śhākhā hyanantāśh cha buddhayo ’vyavasāyinām Purport: O Arjun! there is only one progressive path for the man. A fickle mind will weigh countless choices to remain puzzled. 

To understand the central idea of this chorus, let examine a painting titled “The Glass Key” by famous surrealist Rene Magritte. A large boulder precariously balanced on the ridge is strangely out of place, and its drama is heightened by the contrast between the light and shadow cast by the two slopes. Secondly, the location of the rock and even more the name “the glass key” is enigmatic. By such provocative juxtaposition, Magritte may be conveying that the mystery of the world is unknowable.


Like the boulder that is skillfully balanced on a cliff in the painting, the man's mind must function in harmony. Without the assistance of the heavens, no amount of hard work will be able to complete this nearly impossible task. That support is described ‘The Glass Key’ by Magritte.  Being aware that you are not relying on any theory, any foundation, or any psychological dependence. In such a state, the mind must make its own decisions rather than react or carry out commands. Man discovers freedom in that state and comprehends the concept of infinity. 

The same is expressed in Bhagavad-Gita verse: नैव तस्य कृतेनार्थो नाकृतेनेह कश्चन  |न चास्य सर्वभूतेषु कश्चिदर्थव्यपाश्रय: || 3-18|| naiva tasya kṛitenārtho nākṛiteneha kaśhchana na chāsya sarva-bhūteṣhu kaśhchid artha-vyapāśhrayaḥ Purport:  Such a person is not-dependent on anything in the universe. Therefore, neither performing work (karma) is beneficial nor abstaining from work (karma) is detrimental for him. 

In the stanzas below Annamacharya describes the uncertainties that arise in the minds to follow such an action. 

Implied Meaning: Oh God! I have You, only You in my mind. 

గతియై రక్షింతువో కాక రక్షించవో యని
మతిలోని సంశయము మఱి విడిచి
యితరులచే ముందర నిఁక నెట్టౌదునో యని
వెతతోడఁ దలఁచేటి వెఱ పెల్లా విడిచి నిన్ను॥

gatiyai rakshiMtuvO kAka rakshiMchavO yani
matilOni saMSayamu ma~ri viDichi
yitarulachE muMdara nika neTTaudunO yani
vetatODa dalachETi ve~ra pellA viDichi ninnu

Word to word meaning: గతియై (gatiyai) = way, destiny, rescue;  రక్షింతువో (rakshiMtuvO) = whether will save;  కాక (kAka) = or else;  రక్షించవో (rakshiMchavO) = don’t save, don’t come for rescue; యని (yani) = thus; మతిలోని (matilOni) = in the mind; సంశయము (saMSayamu) = doubts; మఱి విడిచి (ma~ri viDichi) = give up, renounce, relinquish again  and again; యితరులచే (yitarulachE) = by others; ముందర (muMdara) = in future; నిఁక (nika) =  hereafter, henceforth; నెట్టౌదునో (neTTaudunO) = what way they may treat me; యని (yani) = thinking us; వెతతోడఁ (vetatODa) = with pain, distress, affliction;  దలఁచేటి (dalachETi) =the thoughts that encircle;  వెఱ పెల్లా (ve~ra pellA) = all the apprehensions;  విడిచి (viDichi) = give up, renounce, relinquish. 

Literal meaning: Oh God, I pursue you, abandoning all doubts about whether you'll come to my aid. I let go of my worries about how people will treat me in the future.  

Explanation: గతియై రక్షింతువో కాక రక్షించవో (gatiyai rakshiMtuvO kAka rakshiMchavO) = Let me assert that its not a matter of faith, it’s a matter of perception. the position, challenges of every human being is unique. As explained above, the life is like the insecurely placed boulder. If we dither action, there is no guarantee that the boulder shall remain as it is shown. Therefore, man has no choice but take action to engage in God. 

Whereas our mind tells us that ‘let me secure the boulder by insurance’ or ‘Let me put additional support by relationships’. We spend all our life in these pursuits. Boulder (or life) will remain dangerously unstable – no matter what you do. If life were a stone, we can cement it with other things. Unfortunately, it’s not. 

మతిలోని సంశయము మఱి విడిచి (matilOni saMSayamu ma~ri viDichi) = This insoluble thing called ‘life’ is the greatest challenge for each one of us. What Annamacharya is saying that, when we have doubt, we have two things in the mind – doubt and god. This is untenable as per the chorus, therefore, one must eschew the doubt in this quest. 

యితరులచే ముందర నిఁక నెట్టౌదునో (yitarulachE muMdara nika neTTaudunO) = this fifteenth century sage, without doubt knows what lurks behind our mind. The most confusing thing for man is how he will be treated by others. Is it a true consideration? Is it not a form of fear? It's a conjecture? 

తిరమైన నీ మహిమ తెలిసేవాఁడ ననే
గరువముతోడి వుద్యోగము విడిచి
వెరవున నీ రూపము వెదకి కాన లే ననే
గరిమ నలపు నాస్తికత్వమును విడిచి నిన్ను॥

tiramaina nI mahima telisEvADa nanE
garuvamutODi vudyOgamu viDichi
veravuna nI rUpamu vedaki kAna lE nanE
garima nalapu nAstikatvamunu viDichi ninnu 

Word to word meaning: తిరమైన (tiramaina) = constant, continuous; నీ (nI) = Your; మహిమ (mahima) = pervasiveness, greatness, majesty, glory, grandeur; తెలిసేవాఁడ (telisEvADa) = knowing, having knowledge; ననే (nanE) = thus, such; గరువముతోడి (garuvamutODi) = being proud of that; వుద్యోగము (vudyOgamu) = a profession, employment, occupation, calling, mission, office or situation; విడిచి (viDichi) = leaving, eschewing; వెరవున (veravuna) = skill, cleverness, adroitness, cunning; నీ (nI) = your; రూపము (rUpamu) = Shape; వెదకి (vedaki) = by search;  కాన లే (kAna lE) = cannot find; ననే (nanE) = thus, such;  గరిమ (garima) = Heaviness, weight, gravity; నలపు (nalapu) = tiring, fatigue; నాస్తికత్వమును (nAstikatvamunu) = atheism, belief that there is no God; విడిచి (viDichi) = leaving, eschewing;  

Literal meaning: Oh my God! I put away the thoughts that make me proud to know your grandeur and greatness. I don't let the weight of atheism fatigue me down just because you can't be found by any trick, method, or search. 

Explanation: గరువముతోడి వుద్యోగము విడిచి (garuvamutODi vudyOgamu viDichi) means that I eschew the proudness to remain humble. Such a state of mind itself is difficult to find. 

తిరమైన నీ మహిమ తెలిసేవాఁడ ననే / గరువముతోడి వుద్యోగము విడిచి (tiramaina nI mahima telisEvADa nanE / garuvamutODi vudyOgamu viDichi) = "Having understood your constant presence, I diligently dissociate from pride of such an awareness" indicates deep sense of unassuming nature of this saint Annamacharya. In fact, his achievement of oneness with God is a very rare. Only hand countable people attained that significant position. Similar ideas were expressed by Jiddu Krishnamurti as well.   

వెరవున నీ రూపము వెదకి కాన లే ననే (veravuna nI rUpamu vedaki kAna lE nanE): Annamacharya expressed this very often. God as we understand cannot found by search, by tricks or by systematic work. Those who search for God thus get tired by their effort. There exists a possibility for them to say, ‘God don’t exist’.  Spending lifetime in such futile engagement is not a wise step. That is where Rene Magritte gets connected with “the Glass Key”. 

You do not know whether you have the key or not. In such indeterminable state, you are alone in this world. Unfazed by the prospect of lonely journey, Annamacharya asserts that he will stand on his own in the next stanza. Whereas most of us look for haven called ‘safety’. That is the difference between knowing and not knowing. 

ధ్రువమైన చేఁతలకు తోడు దెచ్చు కొనే ననే
అవల నన్యుల మీఁది యాస విడిచి
వివరించి యలమేల్మంగవిభుఁడ శ్రీవేంకటేశ
తవిలి నా పుణ్యమంతయు నీకు విడిచి నిన్ను॥

dhruvamaina chEtalaku tODu dechchu konE nanE
avala nanyula mIdi yAsa viDichi
vivariMchi yalamElmaMgavibhuMDa SrIvEMkaTESa
tavili nA puNyamaMtayu nIku viDichi ninnu 

Word to word meaning: ధ్రువమైన (dhruvamaina) = Constant (do not change with time and space), fundamental central; చేఁతలకు (chEtalaku) = work, action, deeds;  తోడు దెచ్చు కొనే ననే (tODu dechchu konE nanE) = I shall not bring outside support; అవల (avala) = that side, on the other hand; నన్యుల (nanyula) = others; మీఁది (mIdi) = on; యాస (yAsa) = hope, bonding; విడిచి (viDichi) = leaving; వివరించి (vivariMchi) = explaining; యలమేల్మంగవిభుఁడ (yalamElmaMgavibhuMDa) = Lord of Alamelumanga;  శ్రీవేంకటేశ (SrIvEMkaTESa) = Lord Venkteswara; తవిలి (tavili) = with an intent to hold on to you; నా పుణ్యమంతయు (nA puNyamaMtayu) = All my virtues; నీకు విడిచి (nIku viDichi) = I left it to you. 

Literal meaning: Oh My God! I realize that those fundamental actions I do not need the additional support from others. On the other hand, I cut ties with others to be with you. O Lord of Alamelumanga, I have left all my virtues on the other side. 

Explanation: ధ్రువమైన చేఁతలకు తోడు దెచ్చు కొనే ననే When understanding is firm, consciousness is clear, should anyone need a theory or guide to lean upon? For everything we do, we lean upon someone or some theory. This a fact. Anyone can verify. 

Let us try to explore what does he mean by ధ్రువమైన చేఁతలకు: this means that a fundamental work (partly for sustenance of the body and largely for the psychological wellbeing) the person will not depend on world outside. There is no escape from food, clothing & shelter for anyone. When we engage in this, we are sacrificing true life for their enjoyment.  But this person has left it to God/nature. in such a state of existence, when he is not looking for outside support (both physically and psychologically), the glass key is there with the person. Now, see what Jiddu Krishnamrti said. 

“In oneself lies the whole world. And, if you know how to look and learn the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on this earth can give either that key or the door to open, except yourself”. 

Another interesting word used is తవిలి (tavili) = with an intent to hold on to you. In this acid test, there are more chances for the person to renounce and come back to the life we lead. By this word తవిలి (tavili) Annamacharya is indicating that one must hold on to the truth during that fiery drill. 

Now please see the relevance of the Bhagavad-Gita verse below:  आश्चर्यवत्पश्यति कश्चिदेन माश्चर्यवद्वदति तथैव चान्य: | आश्चर्यवच्चैनमन्य: शृ्णोति श्रुत्वाप्येनं वेद न चैव कश्चित् || 2-29|| āśhcharya-vat paśhyati kaśhchid enan / āśhcharya-vad vadati tathaiva chānyaḥ | āśhcharya-vach chainam anyaḥ śhṛiṇoti śhrutvāpyenaṁ veda na chaiva kaśhchit. Purport: By merely appreciating by seeing, describing and hearing no one can ever understand the soul.  It implies that one must merge himself with his soul, therefore it’s not a theoretical exploration. It’s doing and learning at the same time. Hence Annamacharya used the word తవిలి (tavili). 

-X-The End-X-

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212. ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya (ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య)

  ANNAMACHARYA 212. ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya Introduction: In this seemingly unassuming comp...