Friday, 30 September 2022

143 Emi cheppeDi diMdu nEmi galadu (ఏమి చెప్పెడి దిందు నేమి గలదు)


143 ఏమి చెప్పెడి దిందు నేమి గలదు

(Emi cheppeDi diMdu nEmi galadu)


for Telegu (తెలుగు) Version press here


Introduction: Annamacharya describes the difference between living natural life and our present illusory existence. He said that man is living in limited and narrow alleys by restricting the infinite life. He is unrivalled in his ability to precisely describe the situations that test men. 

Annamacharya communicates the feeling directly into the heart. His parables lead to reflection. His comparisons are infectious. His imagination is unique. His brevity is irresistible.  


శ్రీరంగం రేకు:  8-4  సంపుటము: 15-459


Copper Leaf (SrIraMgaM rEku):  8-4  Volume: 15-459

ఏమి చెప్పెడి దిందు నేమి గలదు
సామజముతోఁ బెనఁగ సమకొనెడు మనికి ॥పల్లవి॥
బొంతవలపులతోడఁ బొరలాడు మనికి
దొంతి యాపదలె తనతొడవైన మనికి
ముంతలోపలినీట మునిఁగేటి మనికి
సంతలో కూటములె చవియైన మనికి ॥ఏమి॥
కొనకొన్న దురితములె కూడైన మనికి
కను మాయ సంపదలఁ గాఁగేటి మనికి
పనిలేని విషయముల బంటైన మనికి
వెనక ముందర చూడ వెఱపైన మనికి ॥ఏమి॥
యేవగింతల యాట నెదురీఁదు మనికి
చావుతో సరియైన జగడంపు మనికి
శ్రీవేంకటేశునిఁ జింతసేయని మనికి
యీవలావలఁ దిరిగి యిట్లైన మనికి ॥ఏమి॥

Emi cheppeDi diMdu nEmi galadu
sAmajamutO benaga samakoneDu maniki pallavi
boMtavalapulatODa boralADu maniki
doMti yApadale tanatoDavaina maniki
muMtalOpalinITa munigETi maniki
saMtalO kUTamule chaviyaina maniki Emi
konakonna duritamule kUDaina maniki
kanu mAya saMpadala gAgETi maniki
panilEni vishayamula baMTaina maniki
venaka muMdara chUDa ve~rapaina maniki Emi
yEvagiMtala yATa nedurIdu maniki
chAvutO sariyaina jagaDaMpu maniki
SrIvEMkaTESuni jiMtasEyani maniki
yIvalAvala dirigi yiTlaina maniki Emi


Details and Explanations:

ఏమి చెప్పెడి దిందు నేమి గలదు
సామజముతోఁ బెనఁగ సమకొనెడు మనికి ॥పల్లవి॥ 

Emi cheppeDi diMdu nEmi galadu
sAmajamutO benaga samakoneDu maniki pallavi 

Word to word meaning:  ఏమి (Emi) = What; చెప్పెడి (cheppeDi) = can be said; దిందు (diMdu) = in this; నేమి గలదు (nEmi galadu) = what is there; సామజముతోఁ (sAmajamutO) = with elephant; బెనఁగ (benaga)= fighting; సమకొనెడు; (samakoneDu)= equal to; మనికి (maniki) = life.


Literal meaning: What can be said about this. What is there in this? This life is similar to fighting an elephant. 

Explanation: The challenge of life is in its absence. Wherefore, we assume it.  From the time of birth, till the end we keep fighting one or the other issue. As an infant it might be inability to talk, as child inability to walk, inability to run and so on.  As we grow the list keeps growing adding to multiplicity and confusion. Thus, the fight assumes disproportionate dimensions. Is this not fighting an elephant? 

Now request the readers to refer to a picture titled the Lost Jockey by Rene Magritte. The yellowish atmosphere is anything but sanguine. Uniform shape of the leafless trees creates boredom and ennui. That is the reason in our life we always want newness, something different.


The Jockey appears to be in hurry to cross the forest. We are in hurry to catch the elusive newness. His dynamism is usurped by the coldness of the ambience.  Regularity of the trees does not give the jockey any indication of where he actually is. In what direction is he heading? Yes….We are the lost jockeys. 

The lost jokey is in search of a destination he cannot recognise. So are we. How long  can he ride? Eon to eon? “We are imprisoned in the realm of life, like a sailor on his tiny boat, on an infinite ocean.” ~ Anna Freud 

Implied Meaning: What Life is for? In Life for What? Struggling with elephant? or Struggle is the elephant? 

బొంతవలపులతోడఁ బొరలాడు మనికి
దొంతి యాపదలె తనతొడవైన మనికి
ముంతలోపలినీట మునిఁగేటి మనికి
సంతలో కూటములె చవియైన మనికి ॥ఏమి॥ 
boMtavalapulatODa boralADu maniki
doMti yApadale tanatoDavaina maniki
muMtalOpalinITa munigETi maniki
saMtalO kUTamule chaviyaina maniki Emi


Word to word meaning: బొంత (boMta) = thick, strong;  వలపులతోడఁ (valapulatODa) = with desires; బొరలాడు (boralADu) = to wallow, to roll over;  మనికి (maniki) = life; దొంతి (doMti) Lying in a series, వరుసగానున్న; యాపదలె (yApadale) = troubles; తన (tana) = self; తొడవైన (tanatoDavaina) = A jewel, ornament, భూషణము; మనికి (maniki) = life; ముంతలోపలి (muMtalOpali) = a small pot; నీట (nITa) = water;  మునిఁగేటి (munigETi) = taking a dip ( literally taking bath);  మనికి (maniki) = life; సంతలో (saMtalO) = in the market place; కూటములె (kUTamule) = assembly, conference,  చవియైన (chaviyaina) = beloved; మనికి (maniki) = life. 

Literal meaning: To wallow in the muck of desires is life (for us). A series of troubles are the ornaments of this existence. A perspective limiting life to consider a small pot as a vast ocean.  A way of life treating fleeting encounters as permanent. 

Explanation: Now watch another version of Lost Jockey below. Here instead of trees, bilboquet is used. By adding musical notes (lever) to the Bilboquet' indicates man derives succour from the fine arts in this artificial life. He showed the bilboquets sprouting roots connotes our folly of fitting artificial to artificial. For some such high synthetic living is natural.


Here the lost jockey is riding a horse on a cloth covered wooden platform of a drama theater. It is similar to the cloths used to make umbrellas. In a way it looks like a maze of cobwebs. Now observe the persistence of the jockey on the artificial field! O! directionless traveller! How long can you run? Is it not “A viewpoint that considers a little pot to be a large ocean”. 

muMtalOpalinITa munigETi maniki (ముంతలోపలి నీట మునిఁగేటి మనికి) #1 Are you not like the proverbial frog in the well. 

కొనకొన్న దురితములె కూడైన మనికి
కను మాయ సంపదలఁ గాఁగేటి మనికి
పనిలేని విషయముల బంటైన మనికి
వెనక ముందర చూడ వెఱపైన మనికి 

konakonna duritamule kUDaina maniki
kanu mAya saMpadala gAgETi maniki
panilEni vishayamula baMTaina maniki
venaka muMdara chUDa ve~rapaina maniki Emi 

Word to word meaning:  కొనకొన్న (konakonna) = with effort;  దురితములె (duritamule)= crimes, sins;  కూడైన (kUDaina) = boiled rice, food ( = here used in the sense of providing substance),  మనికి (maniki) = life; కను మాయ (kanu mAya) = Juggling, conjuring, sleight of hand; సంపదలఁ (saMpadala) = wealth, property, asset;  గాఁగేటి (gAgETi) = boiled by (implying  anguish, boiling desire);   మనికి (maniki) = life; పనిలేని విషయముల (panilEni vishayamula) = unwanted things; బంటైన (baMTaina) = servant to; మనికి (maniki) = life; వెనక ముందర (venaka muMdara) = back and forth; చూడ (chUDa) = to watch; వెఱపైన (ve~rapaina) = afraid of; మనికి (maniki) = life; 

Literal meaning: A life to achieve sin by effort. A living for fantasies of wealth. A life of servitude to vanity. A squandered life forbidding reflection and contemplation. 

Explanation: konakonna duritamule kUDaina maniki (కొనకొన్న దురితములె కూడైన మనికి) is indicative of भुञ्जते ते त्वघं पापा ये पचन्त्यात्मकारणात् || 3-13|| {bhuñjate te tvaghaṁ pāpā ye pachantyātma-kāraṇāt = Others, who cook food for their own enjoyment, verily eat only sin}  from Bhagavadgita. 

venaka muMdara chUDa ve~rapaina maniki (వెనక ముందర చూడ వెఱపైన మనికి): it is said man adopts a stand and prefers to stick with it. This unfounded stance, according to Annamacharya, has no validity. He called it a manufactured occupation.


యేవగింతల యాట నెదురీఁదు మనికి
చావుతో సరియైన జగడంపు మనికి
శ్రీవేంకటేశునిఁ జింతసేయని మనికి
యీవలావలఁ దిరిగి యిట్లైన మనికి ॥ఏమి॥ 
yEvagiMtala yATa nedurIdu maniki
chAvutO sariyaina jagaDaMpu maniki
SrIvEMkaTESuni jiMtasEyani maniki
yIvalAvala dirigi yiTlaina maniki Emi


Word to word meaning: యేవగింతల (yEvagiMtala) = accusations, slander; యాట (yATa) = game; నెదురీఁదు (nedurIdu) = to swim against the current; మనికి (maniki) = life; చావుతో (chAvutO) = with death; సరియైన (sariyaina) = equalling; జగడంపు (jagaDaMpu) = quarrel, war, battle; మనికి (maniki) = life; శ్రీవేంకటేశునిఁ (SrIvEMkaTESuni) = Lord Venkateswara; జింతసేయని (jiMtasEyani) = donot think deeply; మనికి (maniki) = life;  యీవలావలఁ (yIvalAvala) = this side and that side (implying life and death); దిరిగి (dirigi) = circling; యిట్లైన (yiTlaina) = reduced to thus;  మనికి (maniki) = life; 

Literal meaning: Is it a life that is constantly facing accusations and slanders? #2 Is not life of continuous struggle equal to death? Not knowing what life and death are, you circle around and disappear. Is it a life which does not think of Lord Venkateswara? 

Explanation: We create limits to help us pass the time in this existence. We try to conform to those boundaries.  Annamacharya condemns our proclivity to pass time in the blink of an eye. One might think that the limits set are too high.  It may be taller the hills.  But how to judge the unlimited while remaining limited?



Summary of this Poem:

Chorus: What can be said about this. What is there in this? This life is similar to fighting an elephant. Implied Meaning: What Life is for? In Life for What? Struggling with elephant? or Struggle is the elephant? 


Stanza 1: To wallow in the muck of desires is life (for us). A series of troubles are the ornaments of this existence. A perspective limiting life to consider a small pot as a vast ocean.  A way of life treating fleeting encounters as permanent.


Stanza 2: A life to achieve sin by effort. A living for fantasies of wealth. A life of servitude to vanity. A squandered life forbidding reflection and contemplation.


Stanza 3: Is it a life that is constantly facing accusations and slanders? Is not life of continuous struggle equal to death? Not knowing what life and death are, you circle around and disappear. Is it a life which does not think of Lord Venkateswara?



References and Recommendations for further reading:

#1 46. చెంత నిండుచెరువుండ చెలమలేలా (cheMta niMDucheruvuMDa chelamalElA)

#2 31. చాల నొవ్వి సేయునట్టి జన్మమేమి మరణమేమి (chAla novvi sEyunaTTi janmamEmi maraNamEmi)



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212. ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya (ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య)

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