Tuesday, 15 August 2023

177aMdAkA dA dAnE aMta kekkuDu gADu (అందాఁకాఁ దాఁ దానే అంత కెక్కుడు గాఁడు )


177 అందాఁకాఁ దాఁ దానే అంత కెక్కుడు గాఁడు

(aMdAkA dA dAnE aMta kekkuDu gADu)

ఈ వివరణను తెలుగులో చదువుటకు ఇక్కడ నొక్కండి

Summary of this Poem:

Chorus: When man becomes aware of what was behind and what lies in front transforms to be the most important person. Until such time he remains ordinary. Implied Meaning: Unless one puts effort in the direction of truth, man remains dull as ever.

Stanza 1: When someone endeavours to direct their mind inwards and maintains such a state, on the flip side, they are identified as a yogi. And when one gains insight into the differentiation between 'truth and falsehood', they are likely to be recognized as intelligent.

Stanza 2: If he investigates and discovers the path to life or another way, he will find lasting liberation. If he recalls and keeps in mind God, then he will live a life of freedom.

Stanza 3: If an individual strives to detach from earthly cravings and wants, it can be claimed that they have mastered their senses. By humbly submitting to Lord Venkateswara and becoming His devotee, they will become part of the divine realm.


Detailed Presentation

Introduction: With each poetic creation, Annamacharya's magnificence never fails to amaze us. This chorus showcases his expertise in expressing profound concepts using uncomplicated language, akin to ants carrying a mountain. Interestingly, he also ventures to include a few Sanskrit words in this verse. 


రాగిరేకు:  189-3 సంపుటము: 2-452
Copper Leaf:  189-3 Volume: 2-452
అందాఁకాఁ దాఁ దానే అంత కెక్కుడు గాఁడు
ముందువెన కెంచేనా ముఖ్యుఁడే యతఁడు ॥పల్లవి॥
చిత్త మంతర్ముఖము సేసుకొన నేర్చెనా
అత్తల నతఁడు యోగియనఁబడును
సత్తసత్తనెడి సువిచారంబు గలిగెనా
వుత్తమవివేకియని వూహింపఁబడును ॥అందాఁ॥
భావము నభావమును పరికించి తెలిసెనా
కైవల్యనిలయుఁడని కానఁబడును
దైవంబుఁ దన్ను మతిఁ దలపోయ నేర్చెనా
జీవన్ముక్తుఁడని చెప్పఁబడు నతఁడు ॥అందాఁ॥
అడరి వైరాగ్యధన మార్జించనోపెనా
దిడువై జితేంద్రియస్థిరుఁడాతఁడు
జడియు శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరుదాసుఁ డాయనా
బడిబడిఁ దుదఁ బరబ్రహ్మమే యతఁడు ॥అందాఁ॥
aMdAkA dA dAnE aMta kekkuDu gADu
muMduvena keMchEnA mukhyuDE yataDu pallavi
chitta maMtarmukhamu sEsukona nErchenA
attala nataDu yOgiyanabaDunu
sattasattaneDi suvichAraMbu galigenA
vuttamavivEkiyani vUhiMpabaDunu aMdAkA
bhAvamu nabhAvamunu parikiMchi telisenA
kaivalyanilayuDani kAnabaDunu
daivaMbu dannu mati dalapOya nErchenA
jIvanmuktuDani cheppabaDu nataDu aMdAkA
aDari vairAgyadhana mArjiMchanOpenA
diDuvai jitEMdriyasthiruDAtaDu
jaDiyu SrIvEMkaTESvarudAsu DAyanA
baDibaDi duda barabrahmamE yataDu aMdAkA 



Details and Explanations:

అందాఁకాఁ దాఁ దానే అంత కెక్కుడు గాఁడు
ముందువెన కెంచేనా ముఖ్యుఁడే యతఁడు ॥పల్లవి॥
aMdAkA dA dAnE aMta kekkuDu gADu
muMduvena keMchEnA mukhyuDE yataDu pallavi 

Word to word meaning: అందాఁకాఁ (aMdAkA) = until that time; దాఁ (dA = tA) = that person, that man; దానే (dAnE = tAnE) = remains himself; అంత కెక్కుడు గాఁడు (aMta kekkuDu gADu) = nothing more than that; ముందువెన కెంచేనా (muMduvena keMchEnA) = when he becomes aware of what was behind and what lies in front; ముఖ్యుఁడే యతఁడు (mukhyuDE yataDu) = transforms to be the most important person. 

Literal meaning: When man becomes aware of what was behind and what lies in front transforms to be the most important person. Until such time he remains ordinary.

Explanation: Let us try to understand the meaning of the phrase: ముందువెన కెంచేనా ముఖ్యుఁడే యతఁడు (muMduvena keMchEnA mukhyuDE yataDu): In simplest form it states if one knows what was behind him and what is ahead of him, becomes VIP.

Of course, none of the 7.8 billion people who inhabit this planet know “what was he before this birth” or “What he would be after this”. Therefore, it is impossible to ascertain. However, Millions of people get engaged in this worlds favourite time pass  activity.

Then what is possible? To know what is in front of us without an iota of doubt. Without basing on any postulation. This may appear easy. I request readers to have a deep look at the picture below, titled “The art of conversation”. In this picture we see two gentlemen somewhere in the cloud, intensely engaged in “great conversation”.

Thus sirs, like those gentlemen in the painting, we get psychologically carried away by our own engagements, be it profession, be it your passion, be it religious duty. Frequently, we base our stand upon our own knowledge, which has time and again proved wrong. Thus, we work away from the ground reality, though we set our selves realistic targets. We only see the layers of these occupations and spend time in drudgery of service of one kind or the other. Where is the question of seeing what is in front of us?

Sir, these commentaries are not meant for quibbling the words and keep you interested to the narration. When we remove the veils of secrecy there is cetain feeble chance to know the truth.

There are many who are inquisitive to know “what happens, when a person does like the way described?”. Let us not get into any kind of indirect or secondary understanding. What Annamacharya is asserting is that unless one gets to such a stage, there is no use. A person reaching such stage will not be inquisitive to know what he is. 

Let me venture to write a implied meaning as below:

Implied Meaning: Unless one puts effort in the direction of truth, man remains dull as ever.

Explanation on Implied meaning: Let us understand the implied meaning thru a beautiful painting of 1915, “Swan No 12” by Hilma Af Klint.

This picture is divided in two parts. The darker lower half, representing our present mind. Darker shade because of our ignorance. Put all the energies available towards the centre, into one place, to know, to be aware of the external world, represented by the brighter circle. 

The lower circle and the radiant upper circle remain disconnected. The sole chance lies in synchronizing our perspective with the external world's arrangement. Even a minor misalignment alters our perception of the world. Consequently, harmony with the genuine external world emerges through the synchronization of all available energies (life force, psychological and physiological energies). This is shown by the  colourful cones and their perfectly coordinated colouring.  

What do we do? We start with the knowing, certainty of scientific and linguistic knowledge to lead life. That is a coloured outlook. Hilma Af Klint did not paint for appreciation. She in fact, hid her treasure 40 years beyond her death in 1944.

Hence, recognize that Annamacharya's words transcend the limits of knowledge, continents, and time.

చిత్త మంతర్ముఖము సేసుకొన నేర్చెనా
అత్తల నతఁడు యోగియనఁబడును
సత్తసత్తనెడి సువిచారంబు గలిగెనా
వుత్తమవివేకియని వూహింపఁబడును    ॥అందాఁ॥
chitta maMtarmukhamu sEsukona nErchenA
attala nataDu yOgiyanabaDunu
sattasattaneDi suvichAraMbu galigenA
vuttamavivEkiyani vUhiMpabaDunu aMdAkA 

Word to word meaning: చిత్త మంతర్ముఖము సేసుకొన నేర్చెనా (chitta maMtarmukhamu sEsukona nErchenA) = When makes effort turn mind inwards and stays in such state; అత్తల (attala) = that other side; నతఁడు (nataDu) = that person; యోగియనఁబడును (yOgiyanabaDunu) = is known as yogi; సత్తసత్తనెడి (sattasattaneDi) = becomes aware of what is ‘truth and false’; సువిచారంబు గలిగెనా (suvichAraMbu galigenA) = if he has good idea; వుత్తమవివేకియని (vuttamavivEkiyani) = will be known as intelligent; వూహింపఁబడును (vUhiMpabaDunu) = some may guess that way.  

Literal meaning: When someone endeavours to direct their mind inwards and maintains such a state, on the flip side, they are identified as a yogi. And when one gains insight into the differentiation between 'truth and falsehood', they are likely to be recognized as intelligent.

Explanation: Observe in the Klint’s painting, in the lower half, striations and streaks are flowing towards the centre, indicating similar to చిత్త మంతర్ముఖము సేసుకొన నేర్చెనా (chitta maMtarmukhamu sEsukona nErchenA). However, Sir, we must recognise that effort has no place in these explorations. Therefore, its not a yoga/circus posture achieved by practice and effort.  

అత్తల నతఁడు యోగియనఁబడును (attala nataDu yOgiyanabaDunu): we must note that the work Annamacharya should be viewed with practical/actual understanding, not mere intellectualisation. Only after having recognised that he has undergone transformation to yogic state, such a name may be given. 

Even intelligence is only a state of mind, not a quantum. Ability to differentiate good and bad acts is not that simple in our present conditioned state. It requires lot of effort. The movement towards that effort is intelligence. 

భావము నభావమును పరికించి తెలిసెనా
కైవల్యనిలయుఁడని కానఁబడును
దైవంబుఁ దన్ను మతిఁ దలపోయ నేర్చెనా
జీవన్ముక్తుఁడని చెప్పఁబడు నతఁడు     ॥అందాఁ॥ 

bhAvamu nabhAvamunu parikiMchi telisenA
kaivalyanilayuDani kAnabaDunu
daivaMbu dannu mati dalapOya nErchenA
jIvanmuktuDani cheppabaDu nataDu aMdAkA 

Word to word meaning: భావము నభావమును (bhAvamu nabhAvamunu) = understanding the thread leading to life or other way; పరికించి (parikiMchi) = Examine, investigate, scrutiny; తెలిసెనా (telisenA) = find out; కైవల్యనిలయుఁడని (kaivalyanilayuDani) = Benediction of losing in infinity, eternal emancipation; కానఁబడును (kAnabaDunu) = being seen thus; దైవంబుఁ (daivaMbu) = God; దన్ను (dannu) = in his;  మతిఁ (mati) = (in) mind; దలపోయ నేర్చెనా (dalapOya nErchenA) = able to remember, ability to recall god; జీవన్ముక్తుఁడని (jIvanmuktuDani) = said to be emancipated; చెప్పఁబడు (cheppabaDu) = said to be;  నతఁడు (nataDu)      = that person.

Literal meaning: If he investigates and discovers the path to life by discarding other ways, he will find lasting liberation. If he recalls and keeps God in mind, then he will live a life of freedom.

అడరి వైరాగ్యధన మార్జించనోపెనా
దిడువై జితేంద్రియస్థిరుఁడాతఁడు
జడియు శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరుదాసుఁ డాయనా
బడిబడిఁ దుదఁ బరబ్రహ్మమే యతఁడు            ॥అందాఁ॥

aDari vairAgyadhana mArjiMchanOpenA
diDuvai jitEMdriyasthiruDAtaDu
jaDiyu SrIvEMkaTESvarudAsu DAyanA
baDibaDi duda barabrahmamE yataDu aMdAkA 

Word to word meaning: అడరి (aDari) = to wake up, to initiate; వైరాగ్యధన మార్జించనోపెనా (vairAgyadhana) mArjiMchanOpenA) = if he attempts to disassociate from  worldly passions and desires; దిడువై (diDuvai) = surely;  జితేంద్రియస్థిరుఁడాతఁడు (jitEMdriyasthiruDAtaDu) = has conquered his senses;  జడియు (jaDiyu) = used in the sense of humbly (literal meaning: by bowing, by fear); శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరుదాసుఁ డాయనా (SrIvEMkaTESvarudAsu DAyanA) = if becomes a servant of Lord Venkateswara; బడిబడిఁ (baDibaDi) = Quickly; దుదఁ (duda) = at the end; బరబ్రహ్మమే యతఁడు (barabrahmamE yataDu) = becomes the God. 

Literal meaning: If an individual strives to detach from earthly cravings and wants, it can be claimed that they have mastered their senses. By humbly submitting to Lord Venkateswara and becoming his devotee, they will become part of the divine realm.

Explanation: Though these things look simple and feels good; understand that the path to truth remain tough and unrewarding (in terms of monetary gain or personal recognition).


1 comment:

  1. This show how deeply you are diving in the concepts and bringing lustre to the subtle aspects in these enigmatic philosophies. The way you interrelate them with conceptual paintings similar to the teachings is just wonderful. Keep up the good work.


212. ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya (ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య)

  ANNAMACHARYA 212. ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya Introduction: In this seemingly unassuming comp...