Tuesday, 5 January 2021

11. ఎన్నడు తీరవు యీ పనులు (ennaDu tIravu yI panulu)



11. ఎన్నడు తీరవు యీ పనులు 

Annamacharya in this verse, criticized the clergy men of the day. There were many Hindu sects like Vaishnav, Shaiv, Brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya etc. Also Muslims were present during his times near tirupati region.   

He was clear that education (of his times) wasn't meant to liberate man, but a means for livelihood. He was also certain that leaders of various sects always proposed fickle theories to substantiate their stand.


ఎన్నడు తీరవు యీ పనులు

పన్నిన నీ మాయ బహుళంబాయ॥

ennaDu tIravu yI panulu
pannina nI mAya bahuLaMbAya

word to word meaning: ఎన్నడు (ennaD) = never; తీరవు (tIravu) = to accomplish, to be gratified; యీ (yI)= these; పనులు (panulu) = Errands, Work, Chores; పన్నిన=  Frame, plan; నీ (nI)= your; మాయ=  deception, illusion, unreal; బహుళంబాయ= multiplied many times. 

Literal meaning: In this multi fold trap laid by you there is no end to work. 

Implied meaning: There is no escape from the (daily) chores due to unfathomable frame work of the illusions created by Nature. 

Comments:  Annamacharya is clear that there is only one way to escape from this dreadful duties/work we took upon ourselves. By saying ఎన్నడు తీరవు యీ పనులు (ennaDu tIravu yI panulu) he is referring to the  following shloka of Bhagavad-Gita which describes mode of passion. This mode of passion fuels the lust for sensual enjoyment thru action, thus binding the soul, therefore will not lead to liberation. 

రజో రాగాత్మకం విద్ధి తృష్ణాసంగసముద్భవమ్
తన్నిబధ్నాతి కౌంతేయ కర్మసంగేన దేహినమ్ ( 14-7)

భావము: ఓ అర్జునా, రజో గుణము దృశ్యవిషయముల పట్ల ప్రీతిని, ఆసక్తిని కలుగజేయునని తెలుసుకొనుము. అది ఆత్మను (చైతన్యమును) చర్యల/కర్మల పట్ల ఆసక్తిని కలిగించి బంధించివేస్తుంది.

rajo rāgātmakaṁ viddhi tṛiṣhṇā-saṅga-samudbhavam
tan nibadhnāti kaunteya karma-saṅgena dehinam

Purport: O Arjun, rajo guṇa is of the nature of passion. It arises from worldly desires and affections, and binds the soul through attachment to fruitive actions. 


పెక్కు మతంబుల పెద్దలు నడచిరి

వొక్క సమ్మతై వోడబడరు

పెక్కు దేవతలు పేరు వాడెదరు

తక్కక ఘనులము తామేయనుచును || ఎన్నడు|| 

pekku mataMbula peddalu naDachiri
vokka sammatai voDabaDaru
pekku dEvatalu pEru vADedaru
takkaka ghanulamu tAmEyanuchunu॥ennaDu॥

word to word meaning: పెక్కు (pekku) = multiple, many; మతంబుల (mataMbula) = opinions, religions; పెద్దలు (peddalu) =  elders, heads of sects, నడచిరి (naDachiri) = treaded (path); ఒక్క (vokka) = Single; సమ్మతై (sammatai) = assent, willingness; ఓడబడరు (voDabaDar) = made to run, made to tread; made to follow; పెక్కు (pekku) = multiple, many;  దేవతలు (dEvatalu) = gods, angels; పేరు (pEru) =  names; వాడెదరు (vADedaru) = quoted, used, employed; తక్కక (takkaka)= surely, without second thought; ఘనులము (ghanulamu) = great person, important person; తామే (tAmE) = (respectfully) self, your lordship;  అనుచును (tAmEyanuchunu) = proclaim. 

Literal meaning: There are heads of many sects and religions. They tread/affirm their own path. They do not give consent to unified path ( to God). They employ names of various gods. Each of them proclaims greatness unto themselves. 

Implied meaning: Each of these clergy men professes their (own) path, yet they don't perceive (agree) that there is truly one single path (of devotion) to god. Each one of them claims unique greatness to ascertain popularity. 

Comments: Just see how accurate Annamacharya was on these so called quack godmen. It’s unfortunate that the godmen of the Annamcharya times resemble present day fakes ones.

Also, even today, with such tremndous data and access to communication, many people continue to encourage such godmen.

Further, the above stanza,  when applied to the leaders of our nations,  these  so called leaders of the world failed to bring  unanimity of action in providing succour to the common man. 


పలికెటి చదువులు బహుమార్గంబులు

కలసి యేక వాక్యత కాదు

ఛల వాదంబులు జనులును మానరు

పలుతర్కంబులె పచరించేరు || ఎన్నడు|| 

palikeTi chaduvulu bahumArgaMbulu
kalasi yEkavAkyata gAdu
ChalavAdaMbulu janulunu mAnaru
palu tarkaMbule pachariMchEru

word to word meaning: పలికెటి (palikeTi) = uttered, pronounced; చదువులు (chaduvulu) = education, study;  బహుమార్గంబులు (bahumArgaMbulu) = multi fold ways; కలసి (kalasi) = put together;  యేక (yEka) = single; వాక్యత= meaningful sentence; కాదు= does not form; ఛల (Chala) = deceitful, not true; వాదంబులు (vAdaMbulu) = theories, postulations; జనులును (janulunu) = these people; మానరు (mAnaru) = do not stop; పలు (palu)= many; తర్కంబులె (tarkaMbule) = logic, explanations; పచరించేరు ( pachariMchEru) = cook. 

Literal Meaning: (Our present) education is voices multi fold ways. Such divergent concepts (even) when arranged together does not produce meaningful sentence. These leaders (of sects) continue spread deceitful theories to lead people astray. They cook futile logics to substantiate their stand. 

Implied meaning:  Education is leading to different paths. Therefore confounds a person. By absorbing these differing studies a person, can't tread on to the unified path of devotion to achieve liberation. (Annamacharya implied that by cobbling together different theories does not being unified action of mind, body and the soul to achieve liberation). These leaders (of various sects) continue propagating fickle theories and cook futile logics to attract gullible audience. 

Comments: See how succinctly Annamacharya put the acts of these leaders by writing ఛల వాదంబులు జనులును మానరు ChalavAdaMbulu janulunu mAnaru (continue with unfounded postulations) AND  పలుతర్కంబులె పచరించేరు palu tarkaMbule pachariMchEru (cook futile logics). This one can still observe by watching any religious TV channel. 

శరణాగతులకు శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వర

తిరముగ నీవే తీర్చితివీ

పరమవైష్ణవులు పట్టిరి వ్రతము 

యిరవుగ నాచార్యులెరుగుదురు || ఎన్నడు|| 

SaraNAgatulaku SrIvEMkaTESvara
tiramuga nIvE tIrchitivi
paramavaishNavulu paTTiri vratamu
yiravuga nAchAryu leruguduru

word to word meaning: శరణాగతులకు (SaraNAgatulaku) = who take refuge; శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వర (SrIvEMkaTESvara) = lord of seven hills, God; తిరముగ (tiramuga)= firm, steadfast; నీవే (nIvE) =You only; తీర్చితివీ (tIrchitivi)= to end, to accomplish, to arrange, to settle; పరమవైష్ణవులు (paramavaishNavulu) = deeply devoted, deeply devoted vaishnavas; పట్టిరి (paTTiri) = undertake; వ్రతము (vratamu) = vow; ఇరవుగను (yiravuganu) = fixed, constant, place, suitable; ఆచార్యులు (AchAryulu) = masters, learned men; ఎరుగుదురు (eruguduru) = know, aware.           

Literal meaning: for Deeply devoted Vaishnava who undertook the vow, are aware that those who take refuge of SrIvEMkaTESvara would get permanant position. 

Implied meaning: The learned men firmly knew that there is only God (no other constancy of purpose) for the life. 

Comments: Annamacharya uses word Vaishnava to indicate deeply religious person, not indicating a sect.


Reference: Copper Leaf: 260-6, Volume: 3-348



  1. Peternak truth. Applicable to every generation.👍👌💐

  2. Annamacharya was an embodiment of all characters in human nature. A great Philosopher.


212. ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya (ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య)

  ANNAMACHARYA 212. ఏఁటి పరిణామము మమ్మేల యడిగేరయ్య ETi pariNAmamu mammEla yaDigErayya Introduction: In this seemingly unassuming comp...